Monday, 8 March 2010


Originally uploaded by paintistworks
going completely off the fairytale narrative now, and just enjoying the fullness and richness of colour that I have got on the pages. I would love to be an edgy illustrator ( and will try some less sweet images soon ) but what seems to come out every time I start to draw just isn't edgy at all.......I am looking at this book and thinking how I was told at college /university when I was studying, that sketchbooks shouldn't be full of finished works, they should be ideas, notes to yourself etc. So I am always hearing a little voice when I work teling me what a waste of time this book is, but, I have decided not to listen too hard to the voices, that it is the process that is leading me here, the process of getting a set of ovals dyed and the gems made and cut out, and making my background patterns.....its all like a meditation, I enjoy the whole making rather than the images themselves, the book is my object, the final piece, I may even seal it so that it can never be opened again. It will be great to have one very full, creaking book, and not have another drawer in my studio choc-a-bloc full of drawing that will get crinkled and dusty, books are the way forward for tidy studio spaces :-)

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