Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Fame at last!

My middle son has been featured in Amatuer Photographer magazine ( August issue )
Proud mother here :-)

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

A great day at the castle

I have been drawing at Tattershall castle in Lincolnshire today...there was an exhibition called 'The house of bling' where six artists did installations in and around the castle. It was also sunny enough to get a bit of drawing done :-)

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Sunshine !

Oh how I like the sunny days, but the heat I can't get on with....I wilt and sulk, seek out the shadows and walk on the shady side of the street......but I love the sunlight, the bright colours, the way people smile and say hello.... Today I got out my shady hat and took a photo of myself because I liked the shadow patterns.....and the fact that I am obscured a little too ;-p