Sunday, 25 January 2009

william and charlotte

We bought these at an antique warehouse today, they appear to be gouache on thick watercolour paper / board, and then varnished. They make a great looking couple:-) They were £10 each ! which I think was a real bargain......

Thursday, 22 January 2009

memory map moly x 42

memory map moly x 42
Originally uploaded by paintistworks
my memory map, aged approx 9, a real trip down memory lane, I google earthed it but it has all changed so much, there is an industrial estate on most of it :-(

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

watch out

watch out
Originally uploaded by monkeyfinger
rowans work in on the photo to get to his photos.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Medea moly 42

Medea moly 42
Originally uploaded by paintistworks
Medea , wife of the greek hero Jason, a formidable sorcerer .....restored full youth and vigor to Jasons father Aeson using "magic herbs, seeds and flowers of acrid juice"

A Moleskine image for Yoda, whose theme is 'Witches',inspired by an Aubrey Beardsley book I got for Xmas. I remember as a young student that he was very popular. The college I was at had bought a large album of his works and we were all very eager to have a look at it, but the staff decided that it had images in it that were too lewd and erotic, so they censored it !! I was in the student union at the time, and we all went on strike.It had no effect as they had cut out and destroyed the offending images..........
I was hoping that the book i got for Xmas would have a few of those images in it, sadly it was even more tame than the book i saw in my youth..............

Monday, 12 January 2009

'bump in the night ' Moly 38

"From ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggedy beasties, and things that go bump in the night, good Lord preserve us!"

latest addition to the moleskine exchange...I had fun with this one :-)

Friday, 9 January 2009

moly 35 'Time'

moly 35 'Time'
Originally uploaded by paintistworks
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a flying;
And that same flower that blooms today,
Tomorrow shall be dying.

Fredrick O' R. Hayes

my latest addition to a moleskine sketchbook. This is in my own book and is my second entry. This book is going back to the artists in reverse order now, so that we all get a turn at working with someone new.....the theme of this book is Time.