Wednesday, 23 July 2008


Originally uploaded by paintistworks
when I was young I used to cut the hair off all my dolls.... :-))

Monday, 21 July 2008

Thumb exhibition !

i have had my invite to go the exhibition but can't get over to America for it...and here is the press release :-)
I must do m ore mail art ,it was fun :-0

WIP moleskine 2

I am not sure if this is going to be my next moleskine for the moly x international, it may be too similar to the previous one.

The whole idea of starting something for other people to carry on with is new to me, my first collaboration. loss of control over what happens to my art next, a new sensation . I like the idea and I am excited by working in other peoples books too.......

Friday, 11 July 2008

moleskine exchange

I have joined the international moleskine exchange on flickr. I have seen such beautiful work I am daunted by the talent. I had so many ideas, ranging from greek myth to automatons to aging to colours......but I have settled on TIME. I am hoping this will be flexible enough to encompass everyones styles and let their imaginations have some space to move. I am really quite excited by the idea of this collaboration and impatient to start. so I have. here is my book.

Friday, 4 July 2008


alone,ipod on, dancing around the garden, blowing bubbles.....I can recommend it as a way of lifting the blues. It made me feel silly and young......great :-)