Tuesday, 24 April 2007

bird sketch book

bird sketch book
Originally uploaded by paintistworks.
I love books, I have had fun making books. I am not trained, I just followed some simple instructions I found in a book for childrens activities. The pleasure I have found in holding a book I have made is huge..... I love the feel of the pages, the weight, the creak, and the fact I can choose what is on the cover.
The bird book I have just finished was a collection of prints I made using the cheapest (99p for 70 sheets!!!) photo paper . It also makes terrible photos, glossy blurred etc, but very usuful for my transfer work..

I am a messy artist, and although I enjoyed doing this book I am aware that it is a bit messier than it should be. I get so impatient when I am enjoying myself and rush things, so lesson learned from this.....take my time and enjoy it more :-)

Thursday, 19 April 2007

been done seen.......

been done seen.......
Originally uploaded by paintistworks.
I have never been able to 'settle' with one style, medium, size etc in my art works. This has made me uncomfortable, feeling that I should have an identifiable style, but I have been reading David Hockney recently and he feels the same way, he has embraced it, so will I. I like the infinite possibilities out there in the world, i want to try as many things as possible. There are things I have tried....traditional watercolour, awful.... I am stiff and stifled and always want to throw something else into the mix, so I do :-)
These collages are a new area for me, smaller than I usually work, and they slow me down and make me think, not a bad thing, so I will carry on with them for a while. They may get made into paintings......I am enjoying the possibilities..

Tuesday, 17 April 2007


Originally uploaded by paintistworks.
really large drawing of pears....I enjoyed doing this soooooo much, it made me realise that I don't do enough 'proper' drawing these days....

Monday, 16 April 2007

doodle book finished

doodle book finished
Originally uploaded by paintistworks.
I set myself the task of a small doodle everyday...using refillable brush pens and acrylic ink. Whilst these are not particularly great images I had an immense amount of fun doing them, also it is rare that I fill a sketchbook completely so I have a sense of achievement as well.
I have another book ready but I am not sure what to do in it.....

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

fun at the circus

fun at the circus
Originally uploaded by paintistworks.
I found this little group of figures on an antique market stall, joy of joys. They really make me smile, and I can't wait to make them a little circus ring and big top.